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July 10, 2013



Hi Mrs. L, I've noticed that about some of my cookbooks...reading them for an hour in the bookstore, only to have lost its luster after trying 1 recipe...and years later, rekindled. Others that I've received as gifts and wasn't too keen on at the time, are good now. For the past year or so, I've been meaning to sell off some of my cookbooks, then I chuckle leafing through after setting them down for 10 years. Cauliflower au gratin sounds great!

Gertie Italiano

I got my Colorado Cache cookbook at least 10 years ago and every recipe I tried was delicious, including a sauerkraut loaf I made as a joke for my husband's birthday. I now live in Ecuador and did not bring any cookbooks with me (big mistake.) I am at 8,400 feet and need my Colorado Cache more than ever.

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