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February 05, 2013



Hi Mrs. L, I recently tried these from Target since they were in the dollar bin. The packaging caught my eye. I loved the barbecue ones, but not as wild about beer flavored ones. I agree, it's a great thing to bring to a party.

Mrs. L

Cassaendra - I'm curious about the other flavors, I'll have to look for them.


I have to try these!


I tried these a few years ago - there was a margarita and I think also a bloody mary version. Very good, very salty: just my style! Am actually curious to try the Lay's limited edition Chicken and Waffles. There are very few chips I've met and haven't liked...


Hmmm, I am kind of picky about my chips. I don't really like beer, which you have said you don't either. So maybe I would taste them if someone had them, but not buy the whole bag.

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