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May 17, 2012



LOL That is a great idea -- minding your health, had you had both separately, and what your neighbors would think! Although, with food cravings...people have GOT to understand that primal urge or they're just pod people. Sourdough is the best. The sourness and butter, I could really just eat that alone! Next time we get the munchies and need that pizza fix, this really is a quick and healthier (big picture, big picture) way to go!


I haven't seen that one on Pinterest but I think this idea is three kinds of kick butt!


This looks great! Best sandwich I ever had still lives in my memory - mozzarella and provolone melted between sour dough with sliced cherry tomatoes and basil, all grilled in a garlicky olive oil. oh that was heaven and I've never been able to recreate it!

Alex Staff

Pizza and grilled cheese. Perhaps that's a match made in heaven, no? The compatibility is there, no doubt, since pizza from the get-go usually has cheese. And, yeah, you can experiment a lot with the formula. Different cheeses and perhaps some hot sauce to mix things up.

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