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March 17, 2012



THERE it is! I visited earlier today, expecting something GREEN and all St-Patricksy... but you hadn't posted yet, LOL... So I checked back again, but here is soup without Irish whiskey?? Hmmm ;)


This was really good and it was good cold.


Eat Your Books sounds like an excellent idea. I don't have as many as you do, but I hate it when I know there is a recipe that I want to repeat and I can't remember which book it came from.


What an amazing cookbook index! Thanks for sharing the information.

Pot Sets

Thanks for the tip on "Eat Your Books". I have tons of recipe books, as I am a collector and enjoy reading them. Of course, like you, when I'm ready to cook something new and different, it is very time consuming to dig through all my books to find just the right recipe. I very much like the Creamed Broccoli and Cheddar Soup recipe you searched from your library and chose to prepare.

Crystal hendry

Can this be frozen and reheated?

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