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February 08, 2012



With three boys, my pantry is always a revolving door, but I too have the odd item or two, or ten that need to be used or tossed. Like the three cans of Gooseberries I found at Big Lots, that I bought a couple of years ago, because my dad loved gooseberry pie! And he passed in 1999! I should bake a pie, because I have baked a gooseberry pie before. And I know at least one of my three boys would eat it :)


But as soon as you throw it out or give it away, you'll so absolutely need it! Just kidding. It is a great idea. We have been saying that we'll do this for years. We're good for 2 weeks, then back to our old habits. I probably have more of an attachment to some of the seasonings I receive because they're from family in HI and Japan. Living in a well to do country, comes with its problems, as silly as some of our problems may sound. :P


I've thrown out quite a few bottles myself at the onset of the new year. I have a kiddie party coming up, and I'm planning the menu around all the things in my cabinet and ref. It helps to use a shelf-type cabinet, Mrs. L, instead of one with a door to close, so you can keep track of what's in there.


I was going to do that this weekend but also need to do the same to the garage. I couldn't decide which to do first so I did neither, ha ha.

Mrs. L

Berta - Oh a gooseberry pie sounds wonderful! I don't think I've ever seen cans of gooseberries before.

Cassaendra - Oh, I haven't even started on the spice rack, yikes, forgot about that. I'm sure some of those need to be tossed. And we've pulled ONE thing out of the freezer in the garage...need to get working on that.

Kai - What a great idea to plan the menu with everything. I actually was able to use three things from the cupboard and freezer which I'll post soon.

Chris - Get cracking dude!


Recently cleaned my pantry and had a friend comment, "people clean out their pantry?" Recent findings include the knowledge that packaged asian sauces are not nearly as good as homemade, regardless of the beauty of the picture on the cover.

You are a brave woman to take on this personal challenge!!!!

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