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August 04, 2011


Carolyn Jung

Love that ooey-gooey, golden marshmallow floating on top. As if a milkshake weren't special enough. This one sure tops all others.


This was the star on the 4th of July. I could have had more gut my daughter was looking our for her diabetic mom. It was sooooo good.


I like my marshmallows toasted dark and this milkshake is giving me sugar fits just from looking at it. I am planning on making ice cream tonight. Now I am wanting to make toasted marshmallows to throw in it.


I actually saw this recipe in a magazine and I've been dying to try it! I'm a thick milkshake girl as well, so I think I'd follow your tips and make it like your first one!


toasted marshmallow is one of my favorite flavors ever. spike can be the biggest ass in the world and i'd still love him because he created this shake. even at its worst, it's still delicious!

Mr. L

Its amazing, just plan on it being half your calories for the day :-(. But I will not turn one down!


Argh! I'm about to head to bed, so this beautiful drink will be nagging me in my dreams - drink me!

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella

What a clever idea to use the marshmallows inside the drink too! :D


May one add chocolate syrup?? :)

Mrs. L

Caroline - Yeah, just looking at the marshmallow on top makes me want to make one right now.

Mom - Heck more than one would have sent me into sugar shock!

Chris - This would taste awesome using some homemade ice cream. Need to get out my ice cream maker.

Deborah - If you add more ice cream, be careful to make sure that there is room in the blender for everything else.

Jodi Landa

I agree 5 minutes is overkill! I have some old marshmallows in my cupboard - I roast them in the fire in the winter - and have been thinking about throwing them out. Now I know what to do with them in the summer. I'm on a raw foods diet, so I might add them untoasted - ha, ha.


wow, what a delicious sounding treat! I have a mondo vitamixer that apparently will cook soup by heating up if left running long enough. I imagine that 5 minutes might just do that.

UGG Classic Mini

You provide enriched information for us,thank u.

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