This was a simple tip that I thought was a brilliant idea.
Friday June 24, 2011
Hull strawberries in a flash: Push a drinking straw through the bottom of a berry to pop out the stem.
So I grabbed a straw that I had sitting in a drawer. Probably one I'd had left over from some fast food joint. And I tried to hull the strawberry as told. Only the strawberry decided to mangle the straw. I tried several sizes of strawberries and used much leverage trying to force that stupid straw up the strawberries butt to no avail. It just didn't work.
Realizing I needed a much more robust straw, I made a trip to Starbucks. I figured I'd order a Frappuccino and confiscate the straw. Yeah, really, I only got that Frapp because of the straw. It would have been rude to steal a straw and not buy a drink. So I got a venti size Caramel Frappuccino. You know, for the straw.
And low and behold, the Starbucks straw worked. To a point. If I used a smallish strawberry I could sort of hull the strawberry using this tip. Only the straw hole just wasn't big enough and I had to keep poking the poor strawberry with the straw to completely get rid of the greens. After a few of these I felt I was done violating the poor strawberries and went back to using my little paring knife to hull the berries.
Then I went and took a shower. Then I chewed some gum because I don't smoke.
LOL thanks for taking a hit for the team and getting a venti caramel frappucino, yeah. ;) Although, you should have gotten the strawberry frappucino to keep in the whole theme of things. :P I'm sure in a few days, your ovaries will sprout on your skin.
Posted by: Cassaendra | June 24, 2011 at 05:23 PM
Thanks for the tip! And doing a test drive for all of us! I have a "tomato" corer that works great. Looks like a little melon baller with teeth.
Posted by: berta | June 26, 2011 at 08:44 PM