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June 24, 2010


Livin Local

Sounds like a perfect neighbor.

Carolyn Jung

I LOVE Zanotto's. I shop at the one in the Rose Garden all the time. Great selection of groceries, plus the folks there are just the nicest ever. Always willing to specially cut anything for you at the butcher case or help load your groceries in the car. How's that for service that has all but disappeared these days?


Phew....it was a blur tool thing. I was thinking that this place was infested with a bunch of anonymous criminal type people from all of the COPS! and TruTV shows ;)


We have been anxiously waiting for them to open..remember the old Mervyn's commercial..open, open, open.
that's been us

I skipped out on my daily Starbucks the last 2 days for a VIA and look what happens

Zanottos opens!!! We purchased a few panini's and beverages after we wander the aisles making
note of all the yummy gourmet items, along with the usual.

My husband LOVES Product 19 cereal, impossible to find (except Lunardi's). So, who should be stocking
the cereal shelves but Fred himself!!! I mention he's 40 cents more than Lunardis..He marks the cereal
down another 50 cents as the new permanent price! I mention that we always buy when it goes on sale
every blue moon and stock up and he says he will sale us a case whenever we want for his cost plus 5%!!!
I'm loving him, if my husband wasn't with me..I might have to hug him!!!

He also mentions that he is taking requests, suggestion etc. of products that WE as a nieghborhood
would like to see and then ordering them!!!!

I've been going to Lunardi's begrudgingly for a few products, and don't get me started on the
attitude at Cosentino's!!!!!!!!!!

We are THRILLED Zanotto's has opened, and we welcome them to the neighborhood with open arms!


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