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June 01, 2010



Now this is one dish I can do without. Eggs for me have to be well done. Spinach I can do without except in my sour soup. So I will pass on this one.

The Duo Dishes

You're not the only one to get that kind of burn! Yikes. Want to take a bite of this, especially if one of the eggs is runnier than the others. :)


This looks really wonderful. I love the combination that you've used. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary


Oh my. The pain one endures for art. ;) I'm glad you've kept your humor!

That dish looks delicious! The nutmeg has got me intrigued. Thanks for the great idea.


clearly, it was completely the fault of your blog. what a trouble-maker. :)
i think this looks like a darn tasty dish, but i would've pierced my yolk too. yeah, it's less attractive, but much more appetizing and that's what matters. :)

Barbara Bakes

So sorry about your burn. I do the same thing way too often. We suffer for our art!


So I'm not the only one to serve recipes with a side of blanched fingers? LOL. Glad it wasn't worse.

At least it turned out to look so great.

Livin Local

Oh, my sympathy for your poor fingers. Ouch!

This dish looks like a Northern Cali version of huevos rancheros. Yum!

Mrs. L

Mom - I made my eggs well done so that's not a problem, but you don't like mushrooms so this is not for you.

Duo Dishes - Yes, it seems I'm not alone with the burning the hand...makes me feel a bit better...

Mary - Thanks Mary!

Cassaendra - I'm actually surprised how many recipes have nutmeg as an ingredient where I wouldn't have thought it was in there.

Grace - You don't even have to pierce the yolk, let it cook a bit longer and the yolk cooks through and holds it's shape.

Barbara Bakes - LOL, as long as the dish is tasty, a bit of suffering is okay.

Chris - I'm so glad you guys are admitting you do the same thing...I was feeling lonely in my pain LOL.

Livin Local - I've actually been thinking of making huevos rancheros...how did you know? :)

Yuzu Panicotta

This Recipe Is Yummy ....But It looks Unboiled....


Ouch! I hope your hand has healed up.

Puma Clyde

Really good article! I was impressed by your literary grace! Blog images are beautiful! Would you like a friend?

Retro Jordans

Guys, Great article and very very interesting blog. That’s one thing I’m really looking forward. Looking forward to reading more from you next week.

Mushroom recipe

Baked Eggs and mushrooms are my favorite recipe. I love to have such yummy dish now.http://www.vivamagonline.com/index.php I think its a very simple method to follow and im gonna give a try over this recipe. Thanks for the great stuff...

generic cialis

I know that may be it is delicious, but I do not like the appearance that its has, so I love the eggs in many dishes such as soups, rice, beans, and in salads, I would like to have the chance to but some ones in my grocery store!!22dd

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