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May 03, 2010



Perfect for summer! We've been having a lot of fruit shakes, too, these past two months - avocado, mango, and strawberry. But I just mix in milk/yogurt, a little condensed milk, and lots of ice. I could live on them for the entire season.

kitchen table

This is a very refreshing drink for the summer heat! The combination is awesome.


Yum! We are only just starting to see strawberries at the market here and they were sold out by the time I got there last weekend. Maybe this week!

Mrs. L

Kai - I tend to forget about making milkshakes in the summer...something I hope to rectify this year. And yum, a mango milkshake sounds yummy.

Kitchen Table - Yep, can't wait for the heat to get here though, it's been too cold for regular milkshakes.

Healthier Kitchen - I haven't found any good strawberries since the milkshakes so I'm hoping for better luck next weekend.

Healthy Foods Blog

Wow! Strawberry is one of my favorite fruits. It's summer time here (Philippines) and it is really hot right now! I think that delightful drink is perfect.


Strawberry Milkshake is my favorite. our recipe is awesome. Thanks for providing them.

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