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May 30, 2010



I have had Five Guys three or four times in NYC and Washington DC.

The portions are gigantic. In NY, they list the calorie counts and a basic cheeseburger is in the 800 calorie range before adding any sauces or toppings. Fries are overflowing the paper cup (usually you get at least double what fits in the cup). Great for splitting with one or two other people.

The food is very tasty. You can add all kinds of great toppings to the plain burger. The fries are delicious. I usually spend over $10, so a few bucks more than In-n-Out for sure.


The best burgers - period! Way better than In-n-out. I had 5 Guys in DC as well. HUGE portions of fries (better fries too). A great, quality burger that you can top with so many delicious choices - grilled onions (sliced onions, not bits like In-n-out), grilled peppers, etc. I have been a fan of theirs on facebook waiting to hear about a CA opening. If it means I have to drive from Sonoma County to Santa Clara County, well, I'll just have to do that.


My 21 y/o like the one here in Knoxville very much but I haven't tried it yet.


Five Guys originates from my neck of the woods and is my all-time favorite burger joint. There is nothing like fresh ground beef sizzling on the grill and their fries are generous in size. Love, love, love Five Guys!!!


Ooh, I noticed a sign for one opening up in Concord. I haven't heard of them either, and there are no In-n-outs nearby so I am very excited to hear such positive and enthusiastic feedback!


Lots of love for Five Guys here. I haven't tried In N Out to compare though. I really like being able to build a burger. Between my husband and I, we're ok with a kiddie size burger (single patty) each and small fries. Don't bother with getting large fries unless you have 3 other people to share them with. :) The Cajun fries is their own mixture that's similar to Old Bay seasoning for the same price.

Chef Barbie

i am so there! lets plan an outing!


Not sure why I forgot to mention this since I ate there several days ago -- their hot dogs are pretty good too. They use Hebrew National and the same toppings you can get on your burger, you can get on your hot dog. I went simply with sliced fresh jalapeno peppers and ketchup (forgot to order mustard). :P

If you are ever in my neck of the woods, I would take you to Brown Bag Burger instead though. B Spot(B=burgers/brats/beer) is another good place, opened by Chef Michael Symon.

Mrs. L

You guys have definitely convinced me to go try the place as soon as it opens!


Wow, I can't believe they're coming to Sunnyvale. I travel back East for work and had the pleasure of eating one of thier burgers and it is in my humble opinion hands down better than In-N-Out. Now I'm a Californa native so I do like my In-N-Out but serioulsy these burgers are way tastier than what I get at In-N-Out. The meat is very well cooked and slightly charred/crunchy on the outside but oh so moist in the inside.

Hot dogs are delicious as well. I like how they split the dog lenght wise.

The fries...eh well they're typical In-N-Out style, homemade style, limpy sticks at best, just like In-N-Out. Still all pale compared to teh McDonals thin crunch shelled potato sticks but like others have mentioned they're best shared because they give you WAY too many for you to eat, well unless you're a professional feed eater type that is.

I still remember getting my first 5 Guys burger all wrapped up and thought "That's a small burger, I might have to order another one" but once I openned it and started eating it, wow it had a LOT of meat and I was full after just 1. Obviously it's not a health food but when the time comes to indulge in a burger, I will definately be heading over to 5Guys. I'm happy there'll FINALLY be one near me. It serioulsy was a must stop for me every time I was in the East coast.

I wonder if they'll offer the free peanuts considering everyone's a freak about food related alergies here in CA.

Mrs. L

I understand they are open! I'm hoping to try them out this weekend :)

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