FOOD PARTY - New episodes of Food Party start tonight on the IFC channel. If you haven't seen artist Thu Tran's comedy food show (with her puppets, yes I said puppets), check it out. Of course I did tell a friend last season to watch and I got back a "what kind of drugs are you taking Mrs. L?", followed by an "Um...are you serious?". The show is quirky, offbeat, silly, strange, wonderful, odd, annoying, ridiculous, charming and funny. Each 15 minute episode (they show two back to back) will either have you shaking your head in disbelief or laughing out loud. A promo for the show says it's best described as "a psychedelic melding of Pee Wee’s Playhouse and Rachael Ray with a dash of J-Horror vibe". Beware, there may be blood (though it's not real) as my favorite episode is, of course, "Horrorsode". You can check out some clips of last years episodes here.
DINNER WITH THE BAND - The IFC channel also debuts tonight a show called "Dinner with the Band" where NYC chef Sam Mason has an indie band over to teach them "how to add his signature culinary spin to their favorite “on-tour” food". I admit, I haven't heard of many of the 13 indie bands to be showcased on this show, but it might be interesting to check out anyway (who knows, maybe I'll find a new band to follow!). For more info go here.
BASKIN ROBBINS - Don't forget tomorrow is 31 cent scoop night at participating Baskin Robbins. From 5 to 10PM get 31 cent scoops of your favorite ice cream, helping out the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. For more info go here.
ARE THEY SERIOUS? - And I know that child obesity is a problem and it should be addressed. Schools? Yep, give kids healthier meals. Teach kids about better nutrition. Get kids moving and get them some exercise. But me thinks Santa Clara County has gone a bit far. In unincorporated areas of the county they have banned restaurants from giving away toys with kids' meals that are high in fat, sugar and calories. Gees, little did I know that small children were getting in cars and driving to fast food joints to pick up meals just for the toys! How about those not so young people who buy the meal with the toy but throw the meal away (since it's all about the toy). How about banning idiot parents who pick up the fast food every night for their kids to eat? Kids go to the restaurants the parents take them to. What's to say the parents won't still take their kids to the same bad fast food places and buy them stuff off the adult menu, full of fat, sugar and calories, toys or not? Wait, ketchup is a vegetable so that counts as healthy right? Oh man, I can so see folks screaming about this one.