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February 12, 2010



Oh yeah, I do remember Edmonton and the coffee search. I froze but boy that coffee was good when we finally found a place. I still have the old book on hockey that I bought. I loved that trip. It took a while for my hand to not hurt after you squeezed it so hard on that plane ride. Good memories.

Livin Local

What an interesting conundrum!

noble pig

I once had dinner with Wayne Gretzky...to clarify...I went to a friends house and he was there...crazy!!


Tim Horton's is on Amazon? I've died and gone to heaven. I thought I was going to have to smuggle some in from my next trip to Vancouver. Which sadly won't be to the Olympics, but your friend's blog looks like an ample substitute. And what goes best with Olympic hockey? Deep fried avocados and baconnaise, of course. It's not Canada, but if you're ever in Cannon Beach, Oregon, stop by the Wayfarer Inn. Best fried avocados on the West Coast. But you'll need to BYOBaconnaise.


Wow - when I first started reading your post I thought - "There really isn't anything that is strictly Canadian". I had no idea that Poutine, Butter Tarts and Smarties (really?) are from my small part of the great white north. While visiting your great country I am finding small differences, no vinegar for our fries, cocktail sauce = seafood sauce, ask for a serviette in a restaurant.....boy do you get strange looks. I quickly learned to say napkin.

Mrs. L

Mom - Coldest I've ever been was that coffee search in Edmonton. And we had gloves, hats, coats etc!

Noble Pig - I met him at a bar once here in San Jose. Where he spent the night picking up girls. Completely burst my Gretzky is God bubble.

Samantha - Oh man, I was just up at Cannon Beach last summer. Wish I had known.

Jan - Had never heard of a serviette before. I'll know to use it next time I'm there.

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