Every year I fill a Christmas countdown calendar full of daily treats and sayings for Mr. L. It's a fun way to be a bit more personal during the holidays and to provide a nice little treat every day. I have a cardboard calendar I bought at Starbucks (little boxes in the shape of a tree) and a wooden one with little drawers that swing open from Target.
Last year, upon seeing the one I had done for Mr. L, my mom commented that she too, would love a daily treat. So this year I figured I'd make her a countdown calendar of her own. I spent several days creating the calendar and then went and bought many different bags of candy.Since my mom is a diabetic, I bought special sugar free candy, each individually wrapped.
The entire countdown calendar is about 9" x 9" with each little treat box being about an inch and a half. I covered the outside areas with scrap paper (I did not cover the inside or sides of the individual boxes). The numbers used as dates were provided in the countdown box kit from Karen Foster. The paper used is Basic Grey. Doo Dads were from my stash and the Christmas balls on the top came from Michaels.
And while this seems all great and good, and a terrific little present to give mom at the start of the month, I found out I had made a tactical error. All that sugar free candy, each individually wrapped? Didn't fit in the little boxes. Seriously, none of them. So yesterday I presented my mother with this great Christmas countdown calendar and a separate bag of candy. With instructions that instead of opening the cute little boxes everyday, she had to reach into the bag and get a piece of candy. Not exactly what I had in mind. Next year I have to find her sugar free candy that fits!
Karen Foster Countdown Calendar, Basic Grey Eskimo Kisses Collection Pack
Note: The countdown calendar comes with a little template to use to cut out scrap paper to fit the front of the individual boxes. I did not notice this template until I had already cut out all the finger holes for each piece of scrap paper...
My countdown calendar is beautiful. I filled the boxes with some of the candy (reese's cups). I thank you cutie pie for such a great gift. I love you Mom
Posted by: MOM | December 01, 2009 at 02:17 PM
It's gorgeous! I love that Karen Foster calendar, I was debating splurging on one myself. I think I have an addiction to them as well. We have 3 for the full 24 days, and one that is only 12 days. It's a little insane!
Posted by: Shannon | December 01, 2009 at 03:21 PM
Crafty! That turned out beautiful!
Posted by: Arch | December 03, 2009 at 06:46 PM