First, I need to tell you that I never did get on the Twilight bandwagon. I bought the book back in 2006, read a few pages and put it back on the shelf. I just couldn't seem to get into it. Though I never went to see the movie either, I do know about Team this and Team that because, to be honest, yes I read People magazine.
I admit everything changed a few weeks ago when I was invited by the Godson's Mom to a "Twilight Viewing Party". A group of women were getting together to re-watch Twilight before going to see New Moon the Friday it opened. The theme, of course, was the movie/book Twilight. Each of us was asked to bring a Twilight themed dish for dinner. Having no clue what food might be appropriate, upon asking I was told "Berry Cobbler".
I was gone the morning of the party and, having completely forgotten about making the cobbler, I quickly got out my iPhone and Googled "berry cobbler". I needed something with easy ingredients I could grab on the way home and something quick since I only had a few hours before the party. Which let me to this post by David Lebovitz. David, you were a life saver. Well, undead saver? Anyway...
I added about six cups of raspberries, blueberries and blackberries to the cobbler. They cooked down quite a bit (maybe strawberries would hold up better)? I added about a tablespoon of brown sugar to the berries along with what David asked for and I also sprinkled a vanilla sugar mixture on the dough part. Loved the taste and texture of the dough though I might add a bit more sugar next time to make it sweeter. You can check out Davids post about the recipe here. He also gives wonderful variations on the dish using different fruits. If you haven't checked out Davids blog yet you should.
You can find the recipe here.
Serves 6 (though I got at least 8 servings)
Note: I used a pint of blueberries, a couple pints of blackberries and the rest were raspberries.
Note: I used lemon juice in the fruit and added an additional tablespoon of brown sugar.
Note: I added about two tablespoons of some vanilla sugar I had on top of the dough before cooking. I did not do the egg wash.
Note: I tasted the berries before adding the dough but did not have to add more sugar.
As for the Twilight Viewing party? I had a wonderful time, though I'm not sure it was all because of the movie. We had great food (Italian natch), some blood martini's (using special glass charms to mark our drinks) and even played some party games. I won the "golden onion" award for not knowing a single answer to the "Twilight Trivia Game" (and had no idea what a golden onion award was until after the movie). I did not win the "Kiss Edward on the Lips" award (we all put on some nice red lipstick, then we were blindfolded and had to see who could get closest to Edwards lips to win). I did enjoy the movie, though, and went home and started the book that night. No I have not seen New Moon, but I have seen the commercials...which means at this point I'm Team Jacob. Which could change when I get around to reading book three....
The cobbler was fantastic. Ii loooved it. Thank you daughter mine.
Posted by: MOM | November 25, 2009 at 06:19 PM
i'm not a twilight fan in any way, shape, or form, but i'd do battle with a hoard of 'em for some cobbler. looks great!
Posted by: grace | November 27, 2009 at 07:08 AM
What a great time!!!
Posted by: Louise | November 30, 2009 at 09:32 AM
Mom - Glad you liked it. Easy to make. I'll try again with different fruits.
Grace - Ah, be careful or you'll get sucked into the Twilight cult!
Louise - It was a fun evening. I'm already looking forward to the New Moon party next year.
Posted by: Mrs. L | November 30, 2009 at 12:02 PM
We had great food (Italian natch), some blood martini's (using special glass charms to mark our drinks) and even played some party games.
Posted by: generic viagra | March 26, 2010 at 01:06 PM
No I have not seen New Moon, but I have seen the commercials...which means at this point I'm Team Jacob. Which could change when I get around to reading book three....
Posted by: generic viagra | March 31, 2010 at 09:43 AM
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! What an amazing team! I am sure that it could not have been an easy job to decide but I would say that you ladies did a FABULOUS job! An extra special Congrats to my girl Janine Wahl! I am soooo happy for you!
Posted by: viagra online | October 07, 2010 at 08:06 AM
There is no berry cobbler recipe there.
Posted by: Jodie | October 23, 2019 at 02:01 PM