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November 25, 2009



The cobbler was fantastic. Ii loooved it. Thank you daughter mine.


i'm not a twilight fan in any way, shape, or form, but i'd do battle with a hoard of 'em for some cobbler. looks great!


What a great time!!!

Mrs. L

Mom - Glad you liked it. Easy to make. I'll try again with different fruits.

Grace - Ah, be careful or you'll get sucked into the Twilight cult!

Louise - It was a fun evening. I'm already looking forward to the New Moon party next year.

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We had great food (Italian natch), some blood martini's (using special glass charms to mark our drinks) and even played some party games.

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No I have not seen New Moon, but I have seen the commercials...which means at this point I'm Team Jacob. Which could change when I get around to reading book three....

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WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! What an amazing team! I am sure that it could not have been an easy job to decide but I would say that you ladies did a FABULOUS job! An extra special Congrats to my girl Janine Wahl! I am soooo happy for you!


There is no berry cobbler recipe there.

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