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July 15, 2009



How adorable. I think I quit going up and down the highway when that was built or I would have seen it for sure.

Louise at Livin Local

Are you kidding me? Longview? My wonderful inlaws live there! Is that the park that surrounds the lake (that they live right by)? The one with the bricks inscribed with our names (fund raiser)? It is a small, small world.

Carolyn Jung

What a sweet memorial that is. A very fine squirrel, indeed.

noble pig

Oh my friggin' gawd it's like the toad tunnel in Davis.

Mrs. L

Mom - It's off the beaten path (or the freeway/hwy system) so it would be easy to miss if you didn't know it was there.

Louise - It's not by the lake if I remember correctly. It's by the Library.

Carolyn - It was a cute idea. I just wish I had been able to see it in use!

Noble Pig - Yeah, I thought of that!


I love it!

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