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December 02, 2008



Sounds like when you have a family meal, you have a family meal. Glad you had a good turkey day...and you're having a great hockey season.

NotSoccer Mom

what an awesome day! glad you had a good time. i thought the parade was okay but i was in and out of the room. my son understands my love of it, though, so doesn't turn the channel on me. my favorite is always the rockettes but i like most of the broadway show snippets that they do. i did love it though when the float hit the commentators!

Mrs. L

Peabody - Oh yeah, this is a fun year to be a Sharks fan.

NotSoccer Mom - The Rockettes and James Taylor and "older" folks showed up before the parade started which was nice. I too cracked up (along with the commentators) when the float hit them!


What a wonderful meal you had! Ok, I give...what's rickrolled? Maybe I shouldn't be asking.

Carolyn Jung

The canned cranberry sauce story had me laughing till my stomach hurt! How hilarious!

I, too, cannot believe 2008 is coming to a close. I know they say time flies when you get older. But I don't feel THAT old yet. What's up with that? ;)


Of course I really don't know what the event is all about (just some readings of world history in elementary school, is all), but it sounds like you really had much to thank for, spending the day with family and all. Hope your Mom had a great day, too.

noble pig

#1 Where are the pictures and #2 ummmm....the creamed onion recipe please....I'm not kidding, this might be a threat.


sounds like you had a real group-effort thanksgiving--awesome. no one person should have to shoulder the entire load! meanwhile, until i read "christmas is only three weeks away," i was in complete denial. now i'm in a panic. :)

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