« Small Plates - November 6, 2008 | Main | Buffalo Wings »

November 07, 2008



Oh, some of those recipes sound good! I have only been there once, and I went with Sarah! LOL! Can't wait to see what you try, and do an easy one, so I can try it too!


I am looking forward to having my braces removed in a few weeks so I can enjoy things like chicken wings again.


i can't believe there's a hooters cookbook. too funny.

Mrs. L

Shannon - the wings were really easy. I plan on trying several more recipes so stay tuned (and they didn't look to hard to do).

Makfan - Wahoo! I didn't know they were coming off that soon!

Grace - Oh you'd be surprised at the cookbooks I find :)

We Are Never Full

this makes me LAUGH and i was thinking of buying it just for the wings recipe but you've already posted it! thanks - but maybe it would be a good funny christmas gift.

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