EATIN' AND THE TV Today is National TV Dinner Day. I actually had looked at the Emerils TV Dinners cookbook which I own to see if there was anything interesting to make, but...nothing jumped out at me so I put it away for another time...but ah, the old Swanson Chicken TV dinners. Loved them. I always added extra butter to the mashed taters, the chicken skin was crispy and the chicken was very salty...right up my salt lovin 'alley...and, of course, I picked out all the carrots from the vegetables, but I loved eating the remaining veggies. Somehow, having a Lean Cuisine or South Beach frozen meal just doesn't seem to taste as good as those old original TV dinners. Image Source.
MARTHA'S A SHARKS FAN And here I thought these Shark cupcakes were a cool new idea? Seems Martha's been doing them a while (though I don't like the paper fin)...go here to check hers out.
LEGO MY LEGO Need a cake idea for your child's next birthday? How about a Lego Cake/Jello pan? Check out the cake slide show on NotSoccer Moms blog to see one she made. To much trouble to make a cake? Just make Lego Chocolates! They're made with Lego Ice Cubes. And of course if you don't have kids, I suppose one could use the Lego jellie pan or ice cube trays to make jello shots. Not that I would know anything about that.....
I sure remember those TV dinners. Dad did not care too much for them but I love them. Such a variety to choose from. What a change these days although they still have them at the grocery store. I'll have to get one someday. I loved the cakes.
Posted by: Roz | September 10, 2007 at 05:06 PM
I love the Lego pan! But I'm not such a great baker....
Posted by: Steamy Kitchen | September 10, 2007 at 06:02 PM
Did you know the first year Swanson made the TV dinner they only made $5K. But the next year they made $10 million. Talk about a fad catching on!
Posted by: peabody | September 10, 2007 at 06:04 PM
I used to love those tv dinners, and the ones with the crappy brown or fruit dessert squares were the bestest! I caved and let Alex pick one for his lunch a couple of months ago (the other kids eat at school) and he was not nearly as impressed as he should have been, lol. Spoiled child!
Posted by: Shelly | September 11, 2007 at 08:15 AM
Ok, I've had those old Swanson TV dinners and NEVER did I EVER get a chicken leg that big! Heck, the "Hungry man" ones aren't that big either LOL
Posted by: Rebecca | September 11, 2007 at 10:01 PM
hehe, those swanson dinners were good because they were so full of FAT! yummy!
thanks for the plug... that lego cake was so easy to make. the lego chocolates look fun!
Posted by: NotSoccer Mom | September 12, 2007 at 09:20 AM