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August 28, 2007



I might just have to try this, seeing as how it is a family recipe, but PEAS! How could you? This is tainting the food! YUCK!


Way to go. I'm with Shannon. I like peas in small amounts. It does have a very strong flavor. Use mixed vegetable and you can always take out the carrots as you eat it. The flavor of the different vegetables seems to blend better with the SPAM. Do not add salt as this is salty enough without it unless you like salty food (like my brother). But otherwise you got it right. This is a recipe that can be tweeked and tweeked to your liking, just keep the basic ingredients the same and it will work. You can use different soups but don't forget the potatoes.


You are really getting my curiosity up about Spam! One of these days I am going to try it.


One more note: This is so good over rice, you can eat it with crackers, if you have leftover mashed potatoes around add it to the mix and make a nice thick soup for those very cold winter nights, or eat it as is for a great lunch. This is really a versatile dish.

Mrs. L

As a lover of peas, I don't understand the horror (grin) but this really can be made with any canned veggies I think. Yes, fresh would probably be better, but it would defeat the "quick" part of the recipe and it just really wouldn't be from the 50's!

Mrs. L

As a lover of peas, I don't understand the horror (grin) but this really can be made with any canned veggies I think. Yes, fresh would probably be better, but it would defeat the "quick" part of the recipe and it just really wouldn't be from the 50's!

Mrs. L

As a lover of peas, I don't understand the horror (grin) but this really can be made with any canned veggies I think. Yes, fresh would probably be better, but it would defeat the "quick" part of the recipe and it just really wouldn't be from the 50's!


I just saw your recipe on Pinterest. It looks tasty. I added it to a blog post and gave you full credit with a link to your blog: http://cafescrapper-scrapsoflife.blogspot.com/2012/02/spam-coupon-and-recipe.html Thank you and hope it brings you more traffic. Susie

linda martinez

i think that this was a really good recipe but instead of the soup i put hashbrowns o brien in mine and thickened it up before serving and it was equally delicious.

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