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June 12, 2007



This is by far the best luau dessert I have tasted. If it was for the fact that I am a diabetic Rene would not have gotten any of those leftovers. I would have eaten it all! Thank you Rene and Paula Dean for a fantastic dessert! Might want to try it with pumpkin for Thanksgiving Rene. You can give me a piece before you take off for Davis or Napa. Love you, Mom


I too got to try this delicious yummy goodness a couple of weeks ago, and I've been craving it ever since. In the words of my arch-nemesis (Rachel Ray) YUMMO!


sounds yummy!



Sounds yums and I needed something new to make for this weekend's dessert anyway. Thanks!

The Right Hand Woman

"G.O.O.E.Y." meaning, finger licking GOOD! I would not recommend this for those who use napkins! It's just wrong!

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